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Hunter is Leaving LinkedIn

In my LinkedIn Ninja training, I tell my students about Hunter.io, a Chrome extension that integrates with LinkedIn to help you find valid email addresses for folks you’re not connected with.

Hunter announced today that their Chrome extension will no longer work integratedly with LinkedIn.

If you have any leads saved, you have until next Thursday (Aug. 31, 2017) to save them before they’re deleted from Hunter.

What Works Now

Even though this automated service is being removed TODAY, you still have tools available for finding email addresses at a given company:

  • Hunter still works AT a given domain. To find a potential email address:
    1. Find a prospect’s name (from a LinkedIn search),
    2. Browse to the company website (click on the company name on LinkedIn and go to the Overview tab to find their URL), then
    3. Click on the Hunter button in your browser to see the most common format for that domain.
  • Alternately, go to email-format.com and do a similar search.

Of course, with Discover.ly or Rapportive and GMail account, you can still strengthen your confidence that you have the right email address.

Read the full post from Hunter.


2 Responses to “Hunter is Leaving LinkedIn”

  1. So, you still find Rapportive to be a reliable tool? I used to love it and used it frequently until it got purchased by LinkedIn and then it never seemed to be quite the same. I tried FullContact instead for a while, but I’ve never been quite as happy as I was with the former Rapportive tool.

    Posted by Aaron Anderson | August 23, 2017, 12:08 PM

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